Coronavirus sign, symptoms, and treatment

What is Coronavirus or COVID-19

Coronaviruses are a large family of RNA virus that Can cause diseases in mammals and Aves (Birds); People who were infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory tract infection.

In other species like cows and pigs, they cause diarrhea, and in chickens, they cause upper respiratory tract infection and (disease). Mild illness includes common colds (which is also caused by virus-like rhinovirus), fever, fever, dry cough, tiredness, and where more lethal illness includes difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, Chest pain.

These viruses are transmitted from humans to humans and also from animals to humans(zoonotic virus).

The name coronavirus is derived from the Latin word corona means “crown ”or “wreath” the name of this virus is so because of its crown-shaped structure. The name was coined by June Almeida and David Tyrell who was first observed and studied human coronavirus.


It was first discovered in a domestic chicken in the 1930s because of an acute respiratory infection caused by an infectious bronchitis virus (IBV).

Human “coronavirus” was first identified in the 1960s, and they get their name due to their crown-like shape structure.

The word coronavirus was first to use in print  (1968) by a group of virologists in the journal “Nature.”

In China (2002), a species of coronavirus was seen, i.e., SARS(severe acute respiratory syndromes), and almost 800 people were dead. Again in 2012, another species of this virus was seen in Saudi Arabia, i.e., MERS(Middle East respiratory syndrome).

And at the end of 2019, another species of coronavirus seen in  Wuhan city of china, i.e., Noval coronavirus or COVID-19). Due to novel-coronavirus, millions of people are died and start pandemic and epidemic worldwide.


Kingdom -: Orthornavirae
Phylum -: Pisuviricota
Class    -: Pisoniviricetes
Order -: Nidovirales
Family -: Coronaviridae
Subfamily -: Orthocoronavirinae
Coronavirus system of classification

COVID-19 constitutes the subfamily orthocoronavirinea, in the coronaviridae. These are enveloped viruses with a positive-sense single-strand RNA  genome and a nucleocapsid. The genome sizes of coronaviruses range from approximately 26 to 32 kilobases.


Coronaviruses are very significant in the risk factor. Because some like MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrom) can kill more than 30 % of infected people, and some are relatively harmless like the common cold.

It can cause colds with significant symptoms, like fever and pharyngitis, from swollen adenoids.

It can cause pneumonia (either direct viral pneumonia or bacterial pneumonia)and bronchitis.

SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)

The human coronavirus SARS-Cov cause severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which features unique pathogenesis because it causes both upper and lower tract infection. About 800 people are died due to this virus or infection

MERS (middle east respiratory syndrome)

In 2012, a new type of coronavirus was seen and initially called a novel – coronavirus 2012 and later change it into Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV).    And for the first time in 2013, human to human transmission was reported by the Ministry of Health in tunica. By 2013 there were 124 cases and 52 deaths in Saudi Arabia.

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)

It is a respiratory disease caused by an RNA virus viz. SARS –CoV -2 (severe Acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus–2)It was first seen in December 2019 in Wuhan city of china and result as an ongoing pandemic.  

As of 28 July 2020, about 16.4 million cases are reported worldwide and leading to more than 654,000 dead, and about 9.57 million people have recovered.

The common syndrome includes cough fever shortness of breath, fatigue, and loss of smell and taste, etc.

The virus is primarily spread between people during close contact and through discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes or through droplets of the saliva of an infected person.

Those who have medical problems like diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, and cancer and older people are more likely to develop severe illness.

Structure of coronavirus

Coronavirus has spherical or pleomorphic enveloped particles containing single-stranded positive-sense RNA, associated with a nucleoprotein within a capsid of matrix protein. The envelopes bear club-shaped glycoprotein projection.

The viral envelope consists of a lipid bilayer, in which the membrane, envelop, and the spike structure proteins are anchored.

The ratio of the lipid bilayer in the membrane, envelope, and the spike is approx 300:1:20 and about 74 surface spike in coronavirus.

The surface spike are homotrimers of the S  protein, which consists of an S1 and S2 subunit

The homotrimeric S protein may be a class 1 fusion protein that mediates the receptor–binding and membrane fusion between the virus and also the host cell.

The S1 subunit forms the head of the spike and has a receptor-binding domain.

The S2 subunit forms the stem, which anchors the spike within the viral envelope, and on protease activation enables fusion. The envelope and membrane protein is essential in developing the viral envelope and maintains its structural shape.



People who are affected by coronavirus are affected in ways like by touch or by uniting, and most of the infected people will develop mild to moderate illness. In some cases, infected people will develop moderate to lethal illnesses. And all have some common symptoms.

In the case of mild to moderate illness, most infected people recover without hospitalization.


(i)   Common cold

(ii)  Fever

(iii)  Tiredness

(iv)  Dry cough


(i)  Sore throat

(ii)   Headache

(iii)   Aches &   pains

(iv)   rash   on skin or discoloration of   fingers    or toes

(v) Diarrhea

(vi)   Loss of taste or smell etc.


  • Difficulty  breathing   or  shortness  of  breath  
  • Loss  of  speech  or  movement 
  • Chest  pain   or   pressure

So if you have serious symptoms or if you have seen severe medical symptoms like these, then seek immediate retention or suggest others to go for immediate medical attention.

In  an average, if  someone  affected  by  the  virus  then after  5 –6 days   symptoms    and   however   in some case, it   can take up to   14 days .



  • Use a face mask in the public area.
  • Can`t go outside without any work.
  • Wash your hand with soap or hand wash and water or sanitize hand with alcohol base liquid.
  • Maintain at least   1meter   distance form people who are sneezing or coughing.
  • Don`t touch your face without wash your hands.
  • Practice social distance in the public area.


There is no specific treatment for coronavirus.

Doctors or  medical   officers are prescribed medicine  according  to there  symptoms (mild  to lethal)

As of now, there is no vaccine for coronavirus, and the vaccines are under development.

How do you know if you have COVID -19 common cold?

Symptoms of COVID -19 are similar to the common cold. If you have a common cold along with fever, headache, and cough, then your doctor will suspect COVID -19 and say to take a test for COVID -19.

          SYMPTOMSCOMMON  COLDCOVID -19 (Can range from moderate to severe)
(i)   FeverRareCommon
 (ii)  HeadacheRareCan be present
(iii) CoughMild to moderateCommon  
(iv) SneezingUsualHas been reported
(v)  Sore throatcommon 
(vi)DiarrheaNeverHas been reported
(vii)General aches and painSlightCan be Present
(viii)Loss of smell and tasteSome timeHas been reported
(ix)Weakness and FatigueMildCan be present
common cold vs covid-19

How long coronavirus    alive in surface

A study shows that coronavirus can last for many hours, depending upon the type of surface.

In copper, they continue for about 4 hours, in cardboard alive up to 24 hours, and in stainless steel and plastic, they can survive up to 2 to 3 days.

That’s why it is essential to disinfect the surface with different liquid to get rid of the virus.


This are a large family of RNA virus that Can cause diseases in mammals and Aves.

These viruses are transmitted from human to human and also from animal to human.

The name of this virus is derived from the Latin word corona means “crown ”or “wreath” the name of this virus is so due to its crow shaped structure. The name was coined by June Almeida and David Tyrell who was first observed and studied human coronavirus.

The word coronavirus was first to use in print  (1968) by a group of virologists in the journal “Nature.”

It can cause colds with significant symptoms, like fever and pharyngitis, from swollen adenoids.

The human corona SARS-Cov cause severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which features unique pathogenesis because it causes both upper and lower tract infection. About 800 people are died due to this virus or infection.

In 2012, a new type of virus was seen and initially called a novel – coronavirus 2012 and later change it into Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV).

It is a respiratory disease caused by an RNA virus viz. SARS –CoV -2 (severe Acute respiratory syndrome –coronavirus – 2)

The virus is primarily spread between people during close contact and through discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes or through droplets of the saliva of an infected person.

It has spherical or pleomorphic enveloped particles containing single-stranded positive-sense RNA, associated with a nucleoprotein within a capsid of matrix protein. The envelopes bear club-shaped glycoprotein projection.

People who are affected by this virus are affected in ways like by touch or by uniting, and most of the infected people will develop mild to moderate illness. In some cases, infected people will develop moderate to lethal illnesses. And all have some common symptoms.

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